
  • 患者信息: 41歲

    症狀 2 年

    今年我CT 掃描發現左上胸邊有1.5 cm 的腫塊, 肺門附近淋巴結1.5cm腫大.我去看胸腔科醫生. 醫生說這看起來不像cancer. 但建議我手術切除,因日後有30% 機會轉化成癌細胞.他建議我做PET/CT. 後來我做PET/CT. 報告如下:
    There are FDG-avid lymph nodes in the neck. Two are in the left and right upper posterior triangles with maximum standard uptake values of 3.2 on the left and 2.2 on the right. Two are in the anterior triangles at the level of the angle of the mandible bilaterally. Maximum SUV on the left is 4.1 and on the right is 3.1.
    Evaluation of the thorax reveals the branching lobulated left upper lobe mass with maximum SUV is 1.8. This measures 1.5 x 1.0 cm and is unchanged. There is an FDG-avid left hilar lymph node with a maximum SUV of 3.2. There is an FDG-avid mediastinal lymph node in the aortopulmonic window with a maximum SUV of 2.8.
    Impression :

    1. Left upper lobe lung mass seen on outside chest CT is unchanged in size. There is a maximum SUV of 1.8. There is a borderline uptake value. This nodule may be malignant or inflammatory.

    2. However , There is hypermetabolic activity in at least 4 lymph nodes in the neck as described above, as well as the left hilum and mediastinum. These are suspicious for metastatic disease or lymphoma. Tissue sampling is recommended.

    當我看到報告有6個亮點時.我感到很惶恐.因爲PET/CT是診斷癌症篩檢很好的利器.我覺得得淋巴癌的機率很高。病理師幫我取左邊脖子亮點最亮的淋巴結作了細針抽吸細胞學檢查( fine needle aspiration cytology). 結果沒有發現癌細胞.醫生說3個月候再作PET/CT.令我沮喪的是,PET/CT 準確性高達90%. 卻還不能做確認的診斷.而且醫生也不可能6個亮點都作細針抽吸細胞學檢查.我的朋友得子宮癌.子宮内的3個淋巴結出現亮點.切片只有一個有發現癌細胞.我想請教您的是,
    1 細針抽吸細胞學檢查準確率高嗎?
    2. SUV如何解釋是否有癌症?
    2. 是否還有其他輔助性的檢查能確診我脖子上淋巴結的亮點是發炎,代謝疾病或者是癌變呢?


    2009-05-13 11:18:28

  • 歐偉仁醫師

    歐偉仁 醫師 於 2009-05-25 22:30:18 回覆



    (1) 一個腫瘤並非完全均勻,好比一個城市有商業區/住宅區/工業區一般,細針抽吸有時會正好抽吸在腫瘤的壞死區,病理報告打出來就不是惡性。臨床上如果醫師判斷偏向惡性,會建議再次切片,畢竟切片是診斷的依據。

    (2) 正子的準確度確實是常見醫療儀器中最高的,但是會受到體內有無發炎狀態的影響。SUV 是一個背景參考值,影像如果接近臨界值,還是得從理學檢查或血液生化檢查輔助診斷方向。

    (3) 建議您直接拿著PET/CT 請教您的主治醫師,光看上段文字敘述,還是很難給您比較理想的答案。
  • 歐偉仁醫師

    歐偉仁 醫師 血液腫瘤科

