
  • 患者信息: 54歲

    目前做例行驗血驗出尿酸數值6.4偏高,在97年8月也驗出數值6.0我的心臟內科醫生開了SULFIN 100MG 早晚各一顆到了98年5月時為4.5己正常但在7月時再驗出6.4所以再次服用SULFIN,我想了解是否在平時的飲食應多注要那些,晚上睡到半夜手關節很脹無法彎曲自如,請問我平時應多補充什麼?不知是不是我的腎有問題了,謝謝指明

    2009-09-11 16:56:19

  • 馬牧周醫師

    馬牧周 醫師 於 2009-09-18 20:36:10 回覆

    Sulfin is effective in reducing your serum level of uric acid, so you should continue to use it if there has been no significant side effects. Gout from hyperuricemia is a fairly common condition, and your diet has a lot to do with your uric acid level. In general, the high-purine food to avoid include beer, anchovies, organ meat (brains, kidney, liver, sweetbreads), game meats, gravies, yeast, meat extracts, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops. As for your renal (kidney) functions, I am sure your cardiologist would have mentioned it before if they were abnormal on tests. If you're still concerned about your arthritis, you may wish to seek opinion of a rheumatologist.
  • 馬牧周醫師

    馬牧周 醫師 病理科

