










原 中山醫學大學附設醫學中心口腔外科主任
原 行政院衛生署台中醫院兼任主治醫師
原 公保中心牙科主任醫師
原 中山醫學大學牙醫學系講師
國際植牙專科醫師學會最高榮譽 ICOI Diplomate
美國植牙贗復專科學會最高榮譽 AAIP Mastership
國際口腔顎面外科專科醫師學會 IAOMS Fellow
美國賓州大學 Amsterdam Fellow



CHU, YH. Periodontal Aspects of Osseointegrated Oral Implants and the Microbiota of Peri-implant Environment. KMC Dent J 5(1):25-32,1994.

CHU, YH. Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the Clinical Dentistry: Management of Occupational Exposures , Infection Control, and Biosafety Considerations. KMC Dent J 5(2):58-62,1994.

CHU, YH. Clinical Treatment Procedures for the Combination of Maxillofacial Deformities and Asymmetries. KMC Dent J 6(3):121-126, 1996.

CHU, YH. Multidisciplinary Management of Cleft Deformities by Surgical and Orthodontic Correction. KMC Dent J 6(4):35-56, 1996.

CHU, YH. HSU, MT. CHOU, MY. LIN, WL. DONG, YJ. A Large Capillary-Venous Combined Malformation of Lower Lip - A Case Report. Chin J Oral Maxillofac Surg: 7:27-31, March 1996.

FU, Y. CHU, YH. CHOU, MY. Clinical Studies of Function-Positioned Palatoplasty.J of Dental Research, 76:150, 1997.

CHU, YH. FU, Y. CHOU, MY. Significance of Glycosaminoglycans Content to Development of Cleft Palate. J of Dental Research, 76:150, 1997.

朱裕華. 單顆植牙概論 (上). 中市牙醫, vol(9):18-28, 1998.

朱裕華. 單顆植牙概論 (下). 中市牙醫, vol(10):14-19, 1998.

朱裕華. 牙科安全操作守則 (上). 中市牙醫, vol(13):20-24, 1999.

朱裕華. 牙科安全操作守則 (下). 中市牙醫, vol(14):11-17, 1999.

CHU, YH. Current Concepts of Biomaterial and Bone Grafts Substitutes. Abstract of the 2nd annual Session Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologist, Sep,8,1993.

CHU,YU. Identification of periodontal pathogen "Porphyromonas gingivalis" by Conventional and Molecular biological Studies. Abstracts of the 17th annual Session. Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. April 10, 1994.

CHU,YH. Current Concepts Review of Cellular Biology of Bone-Resorbing Cells. Abstracts of the 3rd annual Session, Taipei Congress of Oral Implantolo gist. August 14, 1994.

CHU,YH, HSU MT , CHOU MY, FU YC, The Development and Status Quo of the Cleft Lip and Palate Therapeutic Center of the School of Stomatology, Hubei Medical University. Abstracts of the 19th Annual Session, Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. May 3-5, 1996.

HSU.MT.CHU.YH,CHANG YC TSAI.TH,LIAU,KK,CHANG,FC. The Bony Tissue Reation of Hydroxyapatite & Tricalcium Phosphate : an Experimental Study in Femural Defect of Taiwanse Rabbit. Abstracts of the 19th Annual Session ,Association for Dental Science R.O.C.1996.

CHANG.YC,HSU.MT,CHU.YH,CHOU MY , FU.YC, Differentiation of the Murine Medial-Edged Epithelial Cells during Palatogenesis and it’s Relationship to the Formation of the Cleft palate Abstracts of the 19th Annual Session , Association for Dental Sciences R.O.C. 1996.

CHU YH . How to Prevent Failiures in Implant Dentistry-A Multidisciplinary Approach Abstracts of the Annual Session .The Academy of Oral Implantology, Repulic of China. May 26, 1996.

CHU YH , HSU MT CHOU,MY. The Edentulous Mandible Opposing Maxillary Natural Teeth : Treatment Considerations Utilizing Implant Retained Overdenture. Chin Dent J. 16:77, 1997.

CHU, YH.CHOU MY. A Case Report of Fractured Clips in Branemark Implant-Supported Overdenture. Abstracts of the Annual Session , The Academy of Oral Implantology, Repulic of China. May 17, 1997.

CHU, YH. Design of Transitional Prosthesis for Implant Patients. Abstracts of the Annual Session , The Academy of Oral Implantology, Repulic of China. May 23, 1998.

CHU, YH. HSIEH, YT. CHOU MY. Study of Immunogenicity of Soft and Hard Tissues Induced by Allografts in Mice. Poster Presentation at the 76th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). June 24-27, 1998.

CHU, YH. A Severely Atrophy Mandible, Is Distraction Osteogenesis a Solution to this Problem? Abstracts of the Annual Session, The Academy of Oral Implantology, Repulic of China. May 25, 1999.

CHU, YH. The Application of Distraction Osteogenesis in Oral Implantology. Abstracts of the 8th Annual Session, Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologist. Dec 26, 1999.

C. CHU, YH. Thesis for Master of Dental Science Degree: Identification of Period-ontal Pathogen "Porphyromonas gingivalis" by Conventional and Molecular Biological Studies. June, 1993.

朱裕華. 口腔植體的牙周考量與植體周圍菌叢之探討. 於"牙科植體論文專集"初版. 何擇榮主編. 台北市牙科植體學學會. 台北. pp3-10, 1995.

朱裕華. 贗復體的設計與接續樁的選擇.. 於"臨床口腔植體學"初版. 呂國富主編. 台北市牙科植體學學會. 台北. pp439-455, 1999. 6

李祖兵, 朱裕華. 牙種植手術相關問題及併發症. 於"口腔疾病診療併發症"初版. 趙怡芳主編. 湖北科學技術出版社. 武漢. pp109-132, 1999.




醫師 兒童牙科

